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Covid 19

During the Covid 19 crisis, mixing with strangers is not recomended/allowed.

If you require Healing please talk to me about Distant Healing.

I realise this may sound odd to many people, especially if you haven't actually tried any 'hands on' healing before, but it works. Healing energy is, as it says, energy. Energy travels great distances across space. All that is needed to deliver the healing is a connection between the healer and the client. This can be achieved by a telephone call to connect by voice. A photo sent by text, whatsapp or email will also help.  We arrange a time and I will inform you when I am starting the session and when I have finished the session. I will follow up with a phone call later to see how you are and how things went for you.

To encourage the sceptical to give it a try, the first session is FREE during the Covid crisis.


Covid 19

Remember: Fear inhibits your immune system and prevents your body from healing. If you have a strong immune system, you will be able to fight off most infections without succumbing to the worst symptoms.


The more time you spend 'researching' the risk, and looking at news articles etc, the more potential damage you are doing to your subconscious mind, telling you that you are unsafe. 


Protect yourself:  Above all - Take Responsibility for your own Health - physical and emotional. Only your body knows whats best for you!


There are several ways ordinary people can protect themselves from infections:


1. Follow the hygiene guidelines; masks, hand washing, mixing with strangers etc. (common sense)


2. Boost your own immune system;

  • Take exercise - active muscles actually help keep your immune system topped up. Outdoors preferable, but if its cold and icy outside, exercise indoors!

  • Take the recommended amount of Vitamin D - We all think of "bones and teeth" but in recent years, Vitamin D has been found to be essential for heart health and immune health. Northern European countries like Britain, don't get enough sunshine to create the required level of natural Vitamin D, so supplement!

  •  Consider a zinc supplement - studies of covid sufferers in different countries have shown that those people deficient in Zinc fared worse. i.e. were more likely to suffer the more serious symptoms.


Emotional health is Just as important as Physical health​ - some would say more important!

3. Investigate Complementary Therapies:​

  • Energy healing/Reiki - more about this on this website

  • Homeopathy - more about this below.

  • Counselling

  • Aromatherapy

  • Flower remedies (Bach Flower/ Australian Bush remedies etc.)


Homeopathy is a different type of 'medicine' to conventional allopathic drug based medicine. It has a much longer history. Many remedies have been in common , successful, use for over a century - without side effects.


The homeopathic remedies aim to rebalance the body systems to bring them back to health. In short hand - working with the body to eliminate the dis-ease, rather than against the  organisms or imbalances causing the disease.

There is plenty of information on the web from reputable sites such as Ainsworth and Helios, offering advice on the use of remedies and which ones to take in which circumstances.

Homeopathic remedies are usually chosen according to the symptoms experienced, rather than the cause of the symptoms. e.g. for flu, you choose remedies that deal with your symptoms of aches and pains and type of headache or temperature, rather than an influenza remedy. Having said that, there are a few specific remedies called 'nosodes', which directly counteract some infectious states caused by specific organisms. These can often be used in a similar way to vaccines. The advantage being that, unlike regular vaccines,  no foreign substance or organism is being introduced to the body, so it cannot possibly cause problems for an already challenged system!


General Notes on Homeopathy

  • Homeopathic remedies are relatively cheap to produce and therefore purchase.

  • There are no known toxicity issues (side effects) for adults, children, babies or the elderly.

  • You cannot overdose. Only one pill at a time is needed, it is the frequency of taking it which determines the 'dose'.

  • Remedies may be 'acute' and faster acting to reduce unpleasant symptoms or in first aid situations, or deeper acting. The full effect of deeper acting remedies may take weeks to emerge, working the benefits through the body.

  • If you take the 'wrong' remedy by mistake, it will do no actual harm. I just wont do you any good!


 I would urge anyone to get better informed about homeopathy, consult a homeopath and set yourself on a road to taking more responsibility for your own health. The results for some seemingly intractible problems are often dramatic. e.g arthritis, eczema, chronic coughs. The Centre for Homeopathic Education also has some free information and lectures relating to treatment of Covid 19 symptoms.

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